So your carpet or sofa is still relatively clean but the occasional spot or spill needs to be removed without calling on the pros. All you will need to quickly remedy the situation is some dawn dish soap and baking soda. Simply mix 1 cup of warm water, a half teaspoon of baking soda or borax and a quarter teaspoon of dawn. Mix well and using a white cotton cloth apply small amount of the solution directly on the area to be cleaned in a dab and press motion a few times until the stain or spill is cleaned. To complete the rinse step simply wash the cotton cloth with clean water, wring out excess water and repeat the dab and press motion a few more times. To draw out any excess water from the carpet or furniture simply repeat the dab and press motion with dry paper towel and you should be all set. If coffee,

tea or other tanning containing liquids are involved then simply mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar to the cleaning solution. Note: This procedure is not recommended for ink spill which requires extraction and best left to professionals.
For professional carpet and furniture cleaning in the Philadelphia and New Jersey area give us a call at 2152212122.